Merchant Circulars still tops advertising results

Merchant circulars still effective form of advertising, both direct mail and inserted in your local paper.

Recent research backs up the fact that consumers prefer printed circulars over other types of advertising.  With Holiday Shopping in full swing, the following articles give reassurance that those bulk shopping ads will continue to be a source of revenue.


Aug. 6, 2013 – According to data analysis from CPG solutions and services provider Information Resources, Inc.’s (IRI) Q2 2013 MarketPulse survey, print sources remain an important part of the American consumer’s grocery shopping planning and purchasing experience.

To compare prices prior to the trip to the store, two-thirds (65%) of survey respondents rely on retailers’ weekly grocery circulars to compare prices prior versus 26% who compare prices using retailer websites.   see source:

A similar study:

When asked which ways they prefer to receive back-to-school promotions, 46.3% of a large panel of mobile users said “print ads,” which led direct mail from the store or brand (41.3%), email from the store or brand (41.1%), brand or store Web site (28.4%), deal Web sites (26.1%) and was far ahead of social media (21.2%).  see source: