Four Reasons Why Print is Still Around Print media is thriving in spite of indicators of some pessimist. In fact, in a number of areas, it remains the preferred format. As the dust from digital’s in a number for areas, it remains the favored format. As the dust from digital’s disruption begins to settle, print […]
More important, here is why local advertisers will still reach the greatest number of devoted, local buyers through printed publications. These are key points you can include in your valuable, important “story.” OUTREACH. Social media and locally produced websites, postings and blogs only reach select groups of like-minded followers. They only confirm the thoughts of […]
By Peter Wagner Many of today’s print advertising sales people aren’t selling. They’re not getting face-to-face with potential customers and they are not telling their story. Too many print advertising professionals are simply getting by, slowing losing their customer base, soliciting new and repeat advertising by email. You and I know how that works. We […]
by MSadmin As technology continues to modernize how information is accessed, advertisers are faced with the constant challenge of how to best reach and engage customers. While there are a variety of mediums to choose from, newspapers (print and digital) still reign supreme, providing a number of significant benefits that cannot be found elsewhere, including television, […]